Guide to Fire Safety Compliance for UK Lettings

Fire Safety for Lettings – The Steps to Take…

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The Legal Framework

  • It is key to understand the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which applies to all non-domestic premises in England and Wales, including rented properties. Identify your responsibilities as a landlord or property manager in ensuring the property follows fire safety protocols.

Undertake a Fire Risk Assessment:

  • Conduct a thorough fire risk assessment for the property. Identify potential fire hazards and assess the risk of these hazards causing harm. Regularly review and update the risk assessment, especially if there are changes to the property or its use.

Escape Routes:

  • Ensure clear and unobstructed escape routes in case of a fire. Clearly mark exits and provide emergency lighting. Regularly check and maintain fire doors to ensure they close securely.

Firefighting Equipment:

  • Provide suitable firefighting equipment such as fire extinguishers and fire blankets. Regularly check and maintain firefighting equipment, ensuring they are in good working order.

Electrical Safety:

  • Ensure that all electrical installations and appliances are safe and regularly maintained. Consider periodic electrical inspections by a qualified professional. Encourage tenants to report any electrical issues promptly.

Firefighting Equipment:

  • Regularly inspect and maintain firefighting equipment, including fire extinguishers, fire hoses, and emergency lighting. Display clear signage indicating the location of firefighting equipment.

Gas Safety:

  • Conduct annual gas safety checks by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Keep records of gas safety inspections and provide a copy to tenants. Encourage tenants to report any gas-related concerns immediately.

Tenant Information:

  • Provide tenants with clear information on fire safety procedures. Display emergency contact numbers and escape route diagrams in communal areas. Educate tenants on the importance of reporting safety concerns promptly

Training and Drills:

  • Conduct regular fire safety training for both tenants and staff. Organize fire drills to ensure everyone knows how to evacuate safely. Review and learn from each drill, making improvements as necessary.

Record Keeping:

  • Keep detailed records of all fire safety measures, inspections, and maintenance. Retain documentation of risk assessments, gas and electrical safety checks, and any remedial actions taken.

Engage with Authorities:

  • Cooperate with local fire authorities and follow any guidance provided. Stay informed about updates or changes in fire safety regulations.

We can help with your Fire Safety Compliance:

Remember, compliance with fire safety regulations is crucial for the safety of tenants and the overall well-being of the property. Regular inspections, proactive maintenance, and tenant education contribute to a safer living environment.

Atlas Safety Management are fire safety experts and our friendly team can help you meet your fire safety compliance obligations. Our experienced team conducts thorough assessments, identifying potential risks and providing tailored recommendations to enhance fire safety measures. For more information on Fire Safety visit

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