Safeguarding is a term used to describe the measures taken to protect the health,
well-being and human rights of individuals, which allow people, especially
children, young people and vulnerable adults to live free from abuse, harm and
neglect. Responsibility for these aims is deemed to lie with everyone who comes
into contact with children and families
Main Points
We need Safeguarding to:-
• Avoid misunderstandings arising
• Avoid negatively impacting young people – especially inadvertently
• Protecting ourselves and colleagues
• Creating positive experiences of young people
• Avoid being over familiar and deflect personal questions
• Maintain professional boundaries at all times when entering into conversation with a young
person or vulnerable adult.
• Carry out activities and tasks in an open area with other people present
• You are declared by law to protect children from harm
• Only take photos where you have established consent
• If you or a person displays inappropriate behaviour or makes any inappropriate comments to
a young person or vulnerable adult you must immediately report it to the line manager
• Disclose if you believe there is a concern for their physical or emotional safety. Speak to your
line manager
• Never have physical contact, it should be avoided at all times. In case of an emergency
ensure a first aider is called
• Never disclose or exchange personal contact details eg telephone numbers
• Never share or connect through your social media accounts with young people and
vulnerable adults
• Never be alone in a working environment with a young person or vulnerable adult
• Never allow “horseplay” or jokey behaviour which may cause embarrassment, offence or fear
• Never take photos or share images that you have not had permission to do so of young
people and vulnerable adults
• Never ignore inappropriate behaviour or inappropriate comments by colleagues towards a
young person or vulnerable adult
• Never ignore any concern you have if a young person or vulnerable adult discloses
information to you
• Never allow young people and vulnerable adults for work experience without appropriate
consent paperwork being received
• Never promise to keep a secret if a young person chooses to confide in you.
• Never allow a young person or vulnerable adult access to any confidential or restricted
• Never disclose personal information about a young person given to you to provide for their
safety to a third party unless authorised to do so.